Bremerton Marathon

Kitsap Businesses Gift Card Swap - 2020

Support Kitsap Businesses. Share your favorites. Find new places.

We love our Kitsap Businesses, and want to see them weather this storm. The organizers of Bremerton Marathon have pondered how our community can help support them. Let's show our support and appreciation for these establishments by buying and swapping gift cards. We can support our favorites while also finding new ones! Many of us still have work and most of us are receiving the Economic Stimulus.

To participate, please purchase a $50 gift card to your favorite local business(es). The Bremerton Marathon organization will collect and pool the cards, then on May 5th, we will randomly redistribute to each person who participated. We may not be able to use them immediately, but it can provide immediate support and reward participants in the future.

How it works:

  1. Purchase a $50 Gift Card(s) to your favorite business/businesses. There is no limit to how many. Send them to the central collection either via mail (PO BOX 1014, Tracyton, WA 98393), or email ( with your name (or chosen alias) and address.
  2. Once collected, your name (or alias) will be added to the Bremerton Marathon Website, as verification of receipt.
  3. Gift Cards will be collected into 3 categories: (1) Restaurants/Food Service, (2) Services, and (3) Goods.
  4. On May 5th cards will be randomly redistributed and sent out.
  5. You will receive one gift card to a DIFFERENT (hopefully new) Kitsap establishment - based on category - for each gift card you submit.

If interest remains after May 5th, additional dates will be announced and the collection will continue.